Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Will We Keep Going Through Life Like This ??

As the last few days have past I have been re-awaken. I see that in life if you go against the grain you are quickly labeled and made out like a trouble maker. I thought this was a country that you had a right to stand up for what you believe. I was wrong, we are so scared to say things as it might mess up the flow and people might get upset and we should not be like that.

We should be free to speak what we want to. We should never have to remain silent of our beliefs. Isn't this what free means??

I have always said things that needed to be said. I have been labeled as reckless, childish, whining, and many more that I would rather not say.

To me if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, looks like a duck, then it is a duck. Following so far.

All through life people have been scared to speak there mind for what may happen to them if they do. I see it everyday. No matter who it is if you go against the normal then you are labeled. That's what they want to happen people. They want us to think that if we go against it then we are crazy or liars or trouble makers.

Will we never change, it will never change. It has been this way from the start and it will not change until the end.

Please don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe no matter what. If it needs to be said then say it. Don't hide and be afraid what will happen. We all should learn that and maybe, just maybe it would be a different world we live in. The truth is the truth and nothing can ever change that.

Just because you say something today that people don't like because they are afraid of the truth does not make you any different than you were yesterday.

People are quick to judge and take sides as they are scared as well. It is not there fault, to them it is the everyday normal. They just like me and you that is reading this have did it before. We are scared in this life we live as no one knows the out come of it. But never let time slip by when you should have said something and didn't.

I know there is tons of people out there with good intentions and ideas that would not say it because they were worried they will be looked at differently. We are brought up through life like this..

Sorry to ramble on but please stand up for what you believe, for what you think is right, for what needs to be said. No matter the label you can at least be satisfied that you spoke your mind.

Remember those people labeling you are just as scared. Stand Up Now Or Lay Down Later!!


Thank you for reading...Ecp


  1. What a great post ECP. I've been struggling with this very issue for years. As I believe most "Free Thinkers" do. It's frightening to look into the abyss. So most do not look. It's easier not too. Fear paralyzes most people into inaction and flat out denial. You are reaching people ECP. Stay strong in who you are. I for one thank you.

  2. I don't realy care what people think, I'm way past that point in my life now. I also choose not to bother "hanging out" with people who aren't of the same basic mind set. Rarely does it bother me to not have a passle of friends hanging around, though I understand when family doesn't understand what you are saying and just don't "get it". I handled my family by telling them that they are disrespecting me if they keep up with the wise cracks or make fun of what I do, and if they feel that way then they can hit the road. (only had to do that with one after talking seriously to them)
    I try not to get caught up in the drama that happens even with like minded folks. I don't get into much of the controversialy stuff, I just keep talking the prepper message.
