Sunday, August 7, 2011

Preparing For What May Come

In this crazy world right now we all need a little insurance. Prepping is like buying insurance for car. You buy it just in case something happens to cover you. Well look at prepping like that to. You buy a few things and put it back for time you may need it. See everybody is different, some have more than others, some can buy whatever they want. Some can only buy and get a little at a time and that is okay. You have to start somewhere. Start with just putting some extras back. Grab some extras from the store, couple cans of can food, bag of rice, or a box of oatmeal. It will add up quicker than you realize. You never know what can happen. Nothing is set in stone. We are experiencing crazy weather all over the world. Our economy could crash. Food prices could get very high. Why not have a little put back?? Will it hurt to have it? I would rather have and not need then to need and not have. Can you tell your children or family that you did nothing to prepare? Ask yourself these questions. What would you do if you and your spouse lost your jobs tomorrow? It does happen. I know have seen it before over and over. I would not want my family to go hungry. Remember don't think you can't do it because you can. Grow a garden, plant something that you can eat. Learn to preserve it. Canning is very easy. Ask people to help you if you do not know what to do. You will find that most people that prep are kind people and wanting to help. Youtube is a great place to learn from. There is more information out there than you can imagine. I have a website that has a forum. Go there check out the forum, there is tons of info for free there to help you. Check out the downloads on the site. They are free to download. This information will help you. Remember doing something to help insure you and you family survive is better than doing nothing at all. I will be posting blogs on here all the time and sharing free information to help you along the way..


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